[MSSQL] 현재 연결 중인 connection 확인 SELECT S.SPID, S.LOGINAME, S.LOGIN_TIME, S.LAST_BATCH, C.CLIENT_NET_ADDRESS FROM sys.sysprocesses S, sys.dm_exec_connections C WHERE S.spid = C.SESSION_ID 더보기 윈도우즈7 인터넷 시간 동기화 주기 강제 조절하기 원문출처:http://forum.soft32.com/windows/auto-time-sync-period-changed-ftopict354301.html Thanks to Doug Knox for providing the instructions for solving this manually: "To make the registry change manually. Open a Command Prompt window and enter NET STOP W32TIME Leave the Command Prompt window open. Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Tim.. 더보기 복구에 걸리는 시간 측정 방법(SQLServer2008) So, your MSSQL service crashed in the middle of a big transaction? Or you bumped the service while it was rolling back some gigantic schema change (like say a column add on a 800 million row table)? Well, as you prepare your resume in preparation for the fallout from this debockle, you can use the following query to see how much time you have left. Or, I should say, how much time it thinks you h.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 21 다음